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Opticians in Bourne, Lincolnshire

One Stop Eye Care Centre is an independent Opticians and Medical Eye Centre based in Bourne, Lincolnshire.

One Stop Eye Care Centre is an independent Opticians and Medical Eye Centre based in Bourne, Lincolnshire.

One Stop Eye Care Centre is an independent Opticians and Medical Eye Centre based in Bourne, Lincolnshire. We have been trading for over 20 years but moved to our current location in 2000.

Our services include sight tests, spectacles and medical consultations. We aim to provide the highest standard of professional expertise, service and care.

One Stop Eye Care Centre is a specialist centre in treating Dry Eye patients.  We stock all major Dry Eye Drops, and can fit Punctual Lugs to those patients who need more than eye drops.

Our practice is run by Dr. Rao, an ophthalmologist (eye specialist) of many years’ experience within NHS hospitals and major high street opticians prior to the launch of One Stop Eye Care Centre.

Dr. Rao is a member of Royal College of Ophthalmologists and fully registered with the General Medical Council (GMC No 3399949). He is also a member of the Midland Ophthalmological Society and North of England Ophthalmological Society. He attends regular Clinical teachings in Pilgrim Hospital in Boston on the 1st and 3 rd Friday afternoons every month and clinic will be shut on those afternoons.

Dr T.L.N.Rao MBBS,DO,MRCOphthal


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